Monday, November 30, 2009


Now that we're all getting a lesson about rich guys like Tiger Woods having a better legal and health care system than the rest of us, let's turn our outrage into action! Let's tax these greedy rich bastards and all their goodies to teach them a lesson!
You greedy selfish rich bastards get the hot blond Swedish trophy wives. You get free dinners and clothes. You get to run over trees and fire hydrants with impunity. And you fuckers get all the great tax cuts and deductions!
Then you hire lobbyists and marketing reps to tell us that shitty health and legal systems for the rest of us is a great exercise in freedom and Americanism. You fuckers buy Congressmen to vote for your tax breaks and deregulations while the rest of us have to make up for it with higher taxes and fees on everything we buy.
You creeps think you're all so special with your gated communities. Your sending a servant to the grocery store to buy a pie to donate to the Salvation Army. Yeah. That made a real difference. Some homeless guy has another fucking cavity thanks to your generosity. Try donating some shit without looking for the tax deduction or round of golf with Tiger Woods you greedy bastards. "Ohh! Look at the poor kids playing on the practice green. Let's all smile at them." Okay. The camera is off. You rich bastards can start ignoring them again and telling the Congressmen you bought you need another tax cut so your shit can trickle down.
Yeah Babies. It's trickling down and now even the blind poor and middle class fools are starting to see the light of your greedy, selfish ways.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Unless you've been in a coma the last few days you have heard about Tiger Woods running over a fire hydrant outside his home at 2:30AM.
I don't really care about his private life. I think he's one of the two best golfers ever and enjoy watching him play. That's where my interest ends in Tiger Woods.
But his saga goes to show how wealth and celebrity indeed make life easier. Tiger Woods probably never has to buy dinner. Nike or some rabid fan buys it for him. His clothes are given to him. His cars. His golf clubs. The man is worth a billions to himself and others and never has to pay for anything. Even now.
This is not an indictment of Tiger Woods. If I could play golf like him I would also demand the world kiss my ass. Just like the wealthiest right wingers among us. They demand tax cuts. Gated communities. Invasions and occupations to make them billions at taxpayer expense. A legal system skewed in their favor.
Tiger has not submitted to police interviews yet despite destroying a fire hydrant. Don't even know if he took a breathalyzer or blood test. He will when he is ready I suppose. That's the benefit of wealth. You do unpleasant things, or more likely have someone do them for you when you feel like it.
It also shows that no matter what, the wealthy will always have better stuff than the rest of us. And they will make sure of it no matter how many lobbyists and Congressmen they have to buy.

Friday, November 27, 2009


As a student of politics, sometimes I just have to sit back in awe at the right's propaganda machine. Joe Goebbels and Baghdad Bob are children compared to these guys.
A particularly impressive con job the right has pulled is in the issue of taxes and income redistribution.
The right has convinced millions that the wealthy need tax breaks and to pay for them we'll cut taxes. Anything else to them is commie pinko wealth redistribution. Of course it isn't but the left either can't come up with any cool things to call the right's programs. What the progressive tax system does is it makes the people that benefit the most from our system contribute the most to it's operation. But to some deluded fool watching Glen Beck, the words "commie" and "socialist" resonate far more than "benefit" and "fair."
But what the right has really succeed in doing with this Reaganomics bullshit is to REDISTRIBUTE a good percentage of the tax burden to the poor and middle class without them even knowing they were being had.
Income taxes will never be lowered enough for people to actually realize a difference in their lives. Even the wealthiest among us, if one of them gets a tax cut of a million dollars it won't make any difference in how he lives. But because of these tax cuts, revenue has to be replaced. And guess who makes it up. The poor and middle class. The income tax is shifted to other taxes. Like alcohol. Big tax on soda and candy now. Fees go up every year for licences and other government stuff. Park fees go up. Cell phones get the hell taxed out of them. Internet access is taxed. There are a million other things that are taxed because the right has successfully shifted the burden from the wealthy to the poor and middle class.
A great irony of this shifting of the burden is that when a wealthy guy decides to buy a boat or vacation home with the tax money he's saved, the bastard will demand a tax break on them.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Millions are still without health insurance. At one of these ridiculous town hall meetings a poor lady was heckled by a bunch of assholes when she told of her loved ones dying because they didn't have health insurance.
When I was young I remember the Vietnam peace talks. For months negotiators argued over the size and shape of the conference table. Apparently egos were more important than lives.
Congress fights over health insurance reform. Republicans obstruct and offer nothing. Democrats chip away at the bill to make it palatable to republicans that aren't going to vote for it anyway. In the end, who knows if a health insurance bill will pass or fail. But one thing for sure. Both sides will claim victory and egos will be stroked. Then as now, egos are more important than lives.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I admit the only reason I grudgingly support the health insurance reform act going through Congress now is that I hope it leads to single payer, or the Swiss system TAO has explained eventually. As far as bills go, this thing is a freaking ridiculous.

Only God and Harry Reid know how much in pork bribes went out to get the 60 votes just to bring it to the floor for debate. Only God knows how much more in pork bribery will be promised just to get the votes for a watered down, 2,100 page roll of toilet paper this will end up as. (I know my right leaning friends think it already is a 2,100 page roll of toilet paper.)

We're talking about making sure our own Citizens have access and are able to pay for quality health care and the only argument the right can make is to call it socialism. The only thing they argue for is malpractice reform. Even though they all agree that health care and health insurance costs are too freaking high and something needs to be done about it.

The republicans, every one of them even admitted government had an important role in getting flu vaccine to the American People. But not health care in general?

Now listen up you inconsistent hypocrites. Put your alternative bill up alongside the monstrosity going up now. You only need a few things:

Carriers allowed to sell across state lines.

Guaranteed acceptance.

One set of rules that all must follow.

Related groups of people allowed to form as a group for group coverage, like credit unions.

An arbitration committee appointed by the President and the leader of the party in Congress of a different political party. This would decide coverage disputes and merit of malpractice suits. Not judgement of them.

Now I admit that this isn't as easy or as fun as just calling us socialists. But as a fan of Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, I thought I owed it to their legacy to offer something to their party instead of the lunacy and vitriol it offers America.

Monday, November 23, 2009


At the urging of one of the Right's most respected bloggers, Law and Order Teacher,, we're having a health care symposium.

TAO has allowed me to post his thoughts at the top. I'll go next in the comment section. LaOT and I hope this can lead to real discussion. Thank you for your participation.

From TAO:

I think we are going about healthcare reform all the wrong way: The reality is we are trying to reform something that is wedged between too many special interests.

Currently the government provides healthcare to the poor, the young, the elderly, and our veterans; and no one has raised one issue with this. Not the communists, not the socialists, not the democrats, not the liberals, not the republicans, and not the conservatives.

Thus, it appears that we all do agree that society has an obligation to provide healthcare to certain members of our society but does that mean we believe that universal healthcare is not a societal obligation?

Since we as a society, through our democratic form of government currently pay over 46% of all medical expenses incurred in a year and as the balance of the expenses are either paid by us as employees, employers, or individuals through our premiums for health insurance and this means we also end up paying for those without insurance who seek medical treatment then the only group left uncovered are those who are recently unemployed, those who elect not to have insurance and have no need for medical treatment, and those who do not have access to health insurance either through their employer or on an individual basis.

The reality is WE pay for all medical treatment provided in this country either directly via our insurance premiums, or indirectly via taxes, via underwriting by insurance carriers, and or via cost pass throughs by healthcare providers.

Thus by default, we have socialized medicine and universal coverage.

If we accepted this reality then we could devise a more realistic and cost reducing healthcare reform package that would be innovative and futuristic without looking like a hodge podge of 'gifts' to special interests like the current package before Congress.

First we would start with a bare bones preventative care package, that would cover just basic office visits, drugs, and outpatient proceedures. This would be offered AT COST to all Americans via for profit insurance carriers with a nominal fee of 3% for administration and profit. If you are young, or living under the poverty level, elderly or disable the government would pay the full costs of this package.

Then private insurance companies could provide a 'step up' or lets call it a 'basics plus' package that would include more services, surgery, and other more expensive services that could be sold as an additional add on package to the basic core plan. This add on package would be priced at cost plus a 10% fee for administration and profit and this would be something an individual could purchase on their own or the government could subsidize the cost of for those who are young, poor, elderly, or our veterans.

From there, the insurance carriers could devise all sorts of healthcare insurance add ons that they could sell at whatever price and with whatever profit margins the market will bear. The government would not subsidize the cost of these for anyone.

This would allow us to provide a basic level of care to all citizens and allow for free market capitalism to create opportunities for more and better healthcare products.

Our military turns away quite a few applicants because of health issues and this would improve the quality of applicants entering the military. By ensuring everyone regular access to healthcare over the course of their whole life we will eventually see a drop in the expenses incurred due to the fact that right now most of our costs go to extreme and emergency care rather than preventative care.

We also need to accept the fact that under the basic or core plan an elderly person would eventually exhaust their insurance coverage, if that is all they had, and treatment would be terminated. But, the reality is that we spend way to much of our GDP on medical expenses incurred in the last two years of an individuals life and unless that individual has bought additional coverage exaclty what is our obligation, as a society, to the elderly when we have so many working age citizens without adequate healthcare?

Pre existing conditions would no longer matter because everyone would always have insurance but maximum policy benefits, or lifetime benefits would still be an issue for those who do not buy an upgrade from the basic policy. To deal with people who would naturally seek insurance upgrades when they became aware of a need then you could make everyone have a policy inforce for six months before any services would be covered.

This is the SWISS PLAN in a nutshell!

It guarantees everyone a basic level of healthcare and subsidizes the cost of this plan when an individual cannot afford the premiums or falls into a certain class of citizen (elderly, poor, young, veterans, or disabled). It takes health insurance decisions away from businesses/employers and makes it a personal/employee decision. It is not socialism because it works within the framework of private, for profit insurance carriers and it allows these carriers to create and market additional products to supplement the basic or core policy. You could see abortion riders, plastic surgery riders, I want to live forever riders, experimental treatment riders, only namebrand drug riders, rehab riders, and all sorts of innovative ideas spring forth.
It basically allows for society to provide a basic level of care as a benefit of citizenship and it also allows for capitalism to create opportunities for companies to develop and profit from meeting certain demands of the marketplace.

It would also limit the existing strain on medicare and medicad that we will see with higher unemployment, greater drug dependency, and the eventual retirement of the baby boomers. It focuses more on adequate coverage, and basic coverage rather than brow beating providers for discounts.

All the way around it is more logical, more cost effective, and more in line with the values that this country holds dear. Oh, and yes there would need to be tort reform and the issue about portability across state lines would no longer be an issue due to the fact that this would be a FEDERAL law.


Saturday, November 21, 2009


It is an honor to be this week's guest on The Law's innovative and enlightening blog. The L Comment's radio show

We had a great conversation and I encourage everyone no matter what your views to check out TL's site and even be a guest on his program.

Best wishes for a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


We've all seen this movie a thousand times. The bad guy brutalizes some poor soul in the opening. A liberal judge and greedy lawyer get the creep off on a technicality. Then Dirty Harry comes in. Tortures and shoots the bad guy and all is once again right in the world.
As we leave the theater, most of us understand it was just a movie designed to get us on an emotional roller coaster and leave it at that. It was a couple hours of entertainment.
That leaves the rest of the audience though. About 25 to 30% that think this stuff is real and without Dirty Harry, criminals would run amok and destroy the fabric of our society. These people are also the target demographic of republican propaganda.
The republicans have built their propaganda machine around Dirty Harry movie plots. Whatever the issue, terror trials in New York. Health care. Abortion. School prayer. It's always intertwined with somehow not being on the republican side is destroying America. Emboldening terrorists. Or bringing us closer to a socialist state. One of their current favorite phrases is to call everything a "job killer." These republicans are a violent lot.
I use the 25 to 30% figure because polls tell us that that is how many people think Sarah Palin is qualified to be president. Idiots like these are exactly the type of moron that would buy into nonsense about socialism and those without health insurance exercising their freedom to not have health insurance.
Further evidence of how this phenomena has taken hold not only of the lowest tiers of the republican supporters, but among their most elite was in the last presidential primary. When the group of republican contenders stood up at their first debate and the question was asked what they would do in case of a terrorist attack, one of these idiots said "I'd be looking for Jack Bauer." The rest of them applauded as if this nutcase, I think it was Tancredo, had the answer to terrorism.
This is what the republican party, the party of Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt, has devolved into. A group of idiots that think movie and television show plots are sound policy basis.
And they still wonder why I deride them. They wonder why so many people that once were proud to call themselves republicans, now run away from that label like the plague. Even the word "conservative" is becoming more of a derogatory term now. By the next election most righties of reasonable intelligence will go to describing themselves as "Libertarian." The smart ones are doing that already.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


An important lesson learned by the right since Ayn Rand was their darling, was the public wants it's darlings to be hot.
Face it. We live in sexist society. The right is not encumbered by any morals or guilt. They want want their message of greed and corporate welfare to heard by everyone. And if they need a major news network to hire the hottest babes it can find to deliver their message, too bad for the politically correct crowd.
Ayn Rand videos on You-Tube get some decent traffic, sure. But for the most part people click to something else after a few seconds of watching them. Part of it is they are boring and silly. But Ayn is a plain looking woman at best. Not even the most diehard rightie is going to spend much time watching Ayn Rand when Madonna's nipple is just a click away.
This need for beauty permeates both genders of righties. In the case of the right wing ladies, they all have to have hot chick profile pictures. They rarely if ever say anything that hasn't been said by Limbaugh or Beck. But they get lots of attention for repeating it and all the right wing guys think they might get a kiss or something if they comment on how wise the right wing ladies are.
I visited Pam Gellar's blog, Atlas Shrugged, once. She is a fine looking lady. In fact, for the most part, that's almost a requirement these days to be a mouthpiece for the Republicans. For all her goofiness, Michelle Bachman ain't bad dudes. And she gets paraded out every night at some right wing party.
Sarah Palin road her good looks to the republican nomination for vice president.
Don't think for a second John McCain didn't know Palin was an intellectual lightweight who happened to be in the right place at the right time during Alaska's governor's race. But Jesus. Look at those legs. And she's not afraid to bait her own hook.
There is a field of candidates lining up to run for president on the republican side in 2012. They are wasting their time. Unless Sarah Palin gains a ton of weight or a hotter republican lady comes along, it's Palin in 2012.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The sissy Illinois GOP is trying to prevent the opening of a prison here that would bring jobs and the pride of knowing thugs are being punished right here at home. They say it's a safety issue but the reality is that Republicans are sissies.
This isn't a particularly new development. Republicans have a history, especially since the Bush years for sissy behavior. While they loved to waterboard, let's get real. On the torture scale that's not nearly as impressive as the rack or thumb screws. The sissy republicans outsourced the badass torture to Egypt and Syria.
Republicans will try and look tough sometimes by taking credit for the abuses heaped on the prisoners at Abu Grahb, but that was done by rogues with no party affiliation. The republicans were caught in their pretense of trying to look tough and decided to save face they would send terror suspects and nasty dudes to Guantanamo in Cuba. While they played loud music and made guys stand up for a long time, the republicans were hoping Castro would offer to help in a new diplomatic initiative. Castro wasn't taking the bait though. He was not going to do the dirty work of torturing guys and let republicans take the credit.
Republicans show their sissiness in other ways also. They're fear of raising taxes to pay for their occupations and invasions of countries that were no threat like Iraq, (Another example of sissiness. Like Iraq was going to be able to fight back) shows the republican sissy aversion to sacrifice for a greater cause.
The republican party is indeed the party of greed and sissiness. They show their greed and selfishness by running up debt and never asking Americans to sacrifice a few more dollars in taxes to pay for their shit. Their corporate benefactors take government bailouts and largess in the billions of dollars, yet they fight minimum wage and union organizing efforts that would raise the standard of living for Working Americans. That would anger their corporate benefactors that take bailouts and government largess.
These sissy republicans fight national health care by trying to convince the masses not having health insurance is somehow an exercise in freedom. A few of the deluded among us buy into this horse shit and go to tea parties. But the silent majority realize that the rich republicans that control the party and the message are selfishly trying to protect their place in line at health care providers. If someone has to suffer that's too bad. And their suffering isn't that bad in the mind of the sissy republican, Dick Cheney elite. No worse than waterboarding anyway.

Monday, November 16, 2009


As honored as I am that President Obama is taking my advice and bringing Gitmo prisoners to one of our empty Illinois prisons because our freaking legislators suck up to republicans and won't raise the taxes to pay for their opening, I am also bemused by the latest Illinois republican to say something totally ignorant about this.

Republican candidate for governor, Dan Proft, was outraged that Gitmo prisoners could be coming to Illinois. He railed that it would be unsafe. The man is a freaking idiot.

What makes Proft's stupidity even more outrageous is that Governor Quinn is about to release thousands of prisoners early because the state can't afford to keep them in prison. But this Proft moron doesn't think that's unsafe?

Of course this idiot and the chorus of other republican gubernatorial candidates promise not to raise taxes. I think the Democrats do also but their stupidity and cowardly pandering to tea baggers and the like will be ripped at another time.

Why don't these republicans think we can't guard dangerous assholes and dispense justice on American Soil? Why do they proclaim "Liberty and Justice for all" when they mean only a few? They have no problem creating jobs for Blackwater and Haliburton. Why aren't the rest of the American Workers as important to them?

I think we all know the answer. Building prisons brings in big donations from contractors. Running them doesn't.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


As welfare loving Democrat I've always admired the republicans for their ability to get billions more in government dollars and assistance for their cronies than we could for ours. Big tax cuts and incentives for off shoring corporate headquarters. There isn't a business built or added on to in America today that hasn't gotten some tax increment financing or a government grant or zoning variance. Hell. The government even pays tobacco farmers not to grow tobacco. God forbid the price of tobacco collapse and we have cheap cigarettes everywhere. Plus, government needs the price of tobacco high so it can tax the shit out of the poor that use it to make up for all the tax breaks the rich get.
As clever as these neocon shysters are at getting government largess, for some reason their aversion to national health insurance is mind boggling. These jokers love that government has two occupations going to keep defense contractors busy making government money.. A huge deficit that keeps the Fed from raising interest rates so money is cheap. A Congress over a barrel because they know the economy could collapse without it's injection of billions into the lending system.
For all the government largess they get, imagine how much more they could get if government took over health care and removed that burden from employers. If some health insurance companies go out of business I doubt the righties would lose any sleep because none of them seem to feel any remorse at shipping jobs to China. If you guys think you will miss a few of your buddies at the club, give them jobs as waiters and bathroom attendants to sooth your consciences.
It's always been a sort of joke that "righties hate the poor." But their hatred of national health insurance validates this. They would rather keep the burden of health insurance on employers than see it shifted and all people contribute to and benefit from a national health insurance system. Even though this would be in the best interests of American Business.
Perhaps the wealthy are jealous of social programs that aid the poor. So they use government as a giant social program to aid the rich. Or they're afraid a poor person might get as good a health care as they get. Don't worry my wealthy fellow Americans. Your stuff will always better than the rest of ours.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


They asked Jesse James why he robbed banks. He said "Because that's where the money is."
The latest duo to capitalize on this theme are Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean. Both beloved by dirty old deluded right wing fools all across our great Nation for their wholesomeness and willingness to repeat right wing moral majority bullshit.
The first to really capitalize on the right wingers penchant for buying books written by cheap looking broads was Ann Coulter. Admittedly, she is a pretty sad looking woman as far as women go. You could put a wig on a cane, tell a dirty old right winger it's a pro life, low tax woman and he would get an erection. At least if he had some government health insurance paid for Viagra handy. But to her credit, she found a willing market that would enable her to sell millions of books and get gigs on talk shows where she could further spew some right wing nonsense and cause more Viagra supported boners among idiots that will never have sex with her and most likely no other woman. But they do have the internet and posters.
Sarah Palin is also capitalizing on this phenomena of dirty old right wingers buying crap from women that tell them what they want to hear. While normal men like myself are unselfish and empathetic( we only want to hear our ladies moans of ecstasy) dirty old, selfish right wing males long to hear their female, (and male as long as nobody finds out) partners shout out things like "Lower my taxes!" Or, "Damn that pinko commie liberal Truth 101!" Once they hear this, the checkbooks are open and the credit card is put to use.
Palin's book is chock full of stuff guaranteed to titillate even the most stubborn rightie. It may even turn a few of the rightie ladies into lesbians if they don't get a hold of themselves. (So there may be some redeeming feature in Palin's book after all.)
Carrie Prejean is going to take this phenomena even further. I did a speak a long time ago about how Republicans can forgive fellow republicans for anything as long as they obediently return to saying republican stuff. Well Ms. Prejean has already apologised for her sex tape and all is forgiven. Her next move is to make another sex tape only this time, instead of moaning "oohs" and "ahhs" she will be moaning "Let's fight them over there instead of here." "Keep government out of my wholesome naughty stuff." "Dick Cheney did it for America."
For a long time righties either were, or chose to be duped into thinking these right wing commentators actually cared about America and the views they spouted. When Ms. Prejean goes into her act, I don't think they will care.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Being renowned throughout Blogland for my open mind and empathetic nature, I can certainly understand pro lifers being against government health insurance paying for abortion. At least abortions that are performed not for health issues, but as a means of birth control.
But these same dirty old Congressmen are sure to include Viagra in the list of covered prescriptions. But by doing so, these dirty old Congressmen are getting poor, easily influenced and nubile young ladies into situations where they may think they need an abortion. Of course, dirty old Congressmen can afford to pay for their nubile young concubine's abortion so perhaps in their own moral la la land, they think it's okay. Wouldn't want to disgrace the institution of Congress you know.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Michelle Bachman and the rest of the looney right wing announced the Beatles are just as evil as Muslims.
Bachman said that the Beatle's song "Helter Skelter" which inspired Charles Manson, was just as satanic as the satanic Koran and should be banned, burned and the ashes blown up. Then gathered up and sent into space on the Space Shuttle as a last mission for NASA which she would cut funding from because she's tired of people thinking rocket scientists are smart and she is stupid.
Bachman further added that "She Loves You" and "Love Me Do" had subliminal messages which made young people want LSD and choose to become gay. The song "I Dig a Pony" promoted bestiality which was okay with her because she could understand a euphoric sexual attraction to the GOP Elephant which Bachman says she has experienced herself despite being Koran, LSD and Beatle music free since 1971. So that must be God's will.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


It looks like we can all rest easy folks. The Tony Perkins and family values crowd has once again successfully put the bone to gay Americans. California got it a while back. This time, decent, God fearing Americans stuck it to their fellow Americans in Maine by voting against same sex marriage there as well.
No doubt these backward thinking, deluded fools think they've struck a great blow for wholesomeness and Christian values. They also think young people will not have sex if nobody is allowed to talk to young people about sex. God forbid that gets them thinking about it. I'll bet Tony Perkins and Dick Armey thought penises and vaginas were for urination purposes only until their parents had a talk with them the day before their weddings.
These assholes and several million like them think by saying they're for "civil unions" but not same sex marriage is a slap at the Constitution as well as a slap in the face of the entire Gay community. "Separate, but Equal" was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.
Many of these jokers think they're protecting the "sanctity" of marriage, by denying Americans of a different sexual orientation the right. They really mean but won't admit it's the sanctity of their own bigoted, ignorant mindsets they want to protect.
To the assholes like Tony Perkins and others who are afraid of Gays I say don't worry. By virtue of your stupidity and closed minded religious views, I don't think many Gays want much to do with you either.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


In a way, one almost has to admire the way Dick Armey and FOX News have harnessed the energy of masses of idiots into a huge political force.
The Tea Baggers have managed, despite their ignorance and gullibility, to become the dominant force in the Democrat and Republican parties.
Republicans politicos flock to these tea bag events to make speeches claiming they are one with the anti government, pro Medicare, Social Security, don't take my guns, don't raise my taxes, don't cut any spending that will cost me any inconvenience, real Americans.
Right wing shills like Andrew Breitbart have made a comfortable living stirring up these idiots. They roar with approval when he bashes President Obama and feigns outrage at spending despite half the crowd he's stirring up are on some form of government program.
And despite the obvious ignorance of most of these people attending these things. Despite the lies of Fox News about the size of their crowds, Democrats think they have to pander to these nuts as much as Republicans.
So they come up with useless bills they claim are revenue neutral. Except for the insurance companies that will see big increases in revenue.
One day I hope the Democrats will wake up and work for the interests and ideals of the Democratic Party. If we're going to cow tow to the Tea Baggers and the Republicans that exploit them, President Obama may well be moving out of the White House after 2012. The Republicans will resume their practices of spending, borrowing and foreign entanglements that cost American lives while enriching the richest and most powerful.
But the Tea Baggers will be too stupid to notice because Fox News will have a new set of signs for them to display at the next party.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I was reading Leslie Parsley's great blog, Parsley's Pics, a while ago. She had a good post about another Republican being caught in a sex scandal in South Carolina. There was a stripper, cemetery, sex toys and Viagra involved so it must have been a load of fun before the guy got caught. For him anyway. He was 66. The stripper was 18. I doubt any of her orgasms were of the real variety.
That got me to thinking though. Whenever these jokers get caught doing their dirty deeds, they have to deny. Then parade their wives around. Get a preacher and a big Bible for photo ops. Go on Oprah. All the other crap to convince us they're sorry.
It's all bullshit. They guys aren't sorry other than being sorry they got caught. And they ain't fooling anyone either. We all know Larry Craig was looking for Mr. Goodbar in that airport bathroom. Bill Clinton was able to experience what damn few of the rest of is ever will. It goes on and on.
So. Instead of all the apologies and crap that goes with it, why not another form of defense that has been working for Republicans very well. Don't be sorry. Brag about it.
Think about it. Congressman Joe Wilson is a right wing hero. He got over 2.7 million donated to his campaign after he shouted "you lie." Congressman Grayson called Republicans murderers. He's a left wing hero. Rightfully so.
I have no doubt that if Mark Sanford would have just come clean from the start and said "Hell yeah I was doin the Argentine hottie. Best piece of ass I ever had. If you re-elect me Governor, I'll work hard to make sure everyone gets a great piece of ass!" I don't care who you are. What you political persuasion or religious convictions are. Unless you're a frigid nutjob, a great piece of ass is worth any tax cut. (Nobody is watching you read this ladies. You don't have to pretend to be embarrassed.)
Alas. They will as always, refuse to listen and we'll be subject to more hollow apologies from these lechers. And that's too bad. This Country could use some honest lechers.