Being an active participant in several discussions on health care reform has given me great insight into the right wing mind. It narrows down to them just being selfish.
Allow me to explain. The right demands tax cuts. They tell us nonsense about how cutting taxes raises taxes. Then they go into their spin about how lower taxes didn't lead to deficits. It was spending the money that wasn't collected even though more was collected when taxes were lowered. Eventually they also get confused and resort to calling people like me that call them on their nonsense commies.,pinkos and socialists.
Funny how the lion's share of their tax cuts go to the wealthiest of them. How about that. But this goes to prove my premise even further. Like it or not, anyone who describes himself as a republican and living anything but an upper class existence is a dupe.
Let me go even further. A big worry the right has with national health insurance is that illegal aliens will get treated on taxpayer dollars. The poor will get free health care. Think about what these right wingers are really saying. They are jealous of the poor and illegal aliens because they might get something free. It's a weird form of reverse class envy.
Now I've advocated for my single payer plan for two years. First as THE ORACLE. Now as Truth 101. I have graciously compromised with several right leaning bloggers who gave excellent suggestions to make this plan stronger. But the one thing I've done is propose a payroll tax and deductibles precisely so everyone will contribute to the system. For most of us with health insurance, this would be at worst a revenue neutral situation but the burden of health insurance would be lifted from business. Instead of embracing this plan in which even the lower wage earners contribute, the right pillories it. Even when a plan is submitted that has the poor pay they still complain.
It's time to stop worrying about people with little to nothing getting something "free." If the price of free health care and food stamps is poverty, they're the ones with the bad deal.