Saturday, May 30, 2009


I have watched with amusement and frustration at all the commentary regarding North Korea's dear leader. And this not only goes for this nut, but a bunch of other nuts like Ahmadinejad and the like that somehow ended up in charge of countries.

Editors of newspapers, bloggers, the average Joe and Jane on the street have wonderful opinions on how to deal with these jokers. Some say engage with China and Russia. Others say bomb em. Others say negotiate or bribe em.

It comes down to this. These people are freaking nuts. Nobody knows how to deal with them because they can't be dealt with. Russia and China have the right idea in their sleazy way. They enable and encourage these clowns so they are a distraction and menace to us and our goodwill.

Continuing the same path with Kim Jong Il especially is borderline insanity. All this guy and his father before him have done is cost us money and grief. Cheney and others said Iran was training insurgents to go into Iraq and kill Americans and cause general mayhem. Yet, Tehran is still there instead of the Mideast Regional Parking Lot it should be if that were true.

It comes down to this. Nobody knows what to do about these radical regimes. Not George Bush or Dick Cheney. Not Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama.

The only suggestion I can think of that comes close to making sense is for us to do what Russia and China do. Pretend to be their friends and encourage them to cause grief for Russia and China. Or any other country that we want to see caused grief. It's a helluva lot cheaper than invading Iraq and none of our guys has to die to "free" a country which didn't do a goddamn thing to free itself from it's own fucking dictator.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This isn't about the Judge President Obama just nominated to the Supreme Court. I never heard of her before today but I trust the President made a wise decision.

The buzz is will the Republicans rip her a new one and or filibuster.

The answer is, hell yes they will. That's what the opposition does. And Republicans play the game of who's the bigger prick better than anyone in the free world.

The truth is, If President Obama had nominated the Virgin Mary, the Right would have called her a slut for getting herself pregnant before marriage. They would have hated Jesus had He been nominated because he rode an ass. "Damn Democrats and their asses!" Mitch McConnell would say.

The Republicans know all they have left is their base of bigots, homophobes and idiots. No doubt, in some Cuban cigar smoke filled room, Republican strategists are rejoicing because they have a Hispanic to beat up. Alex Castellanos is volunteering to do hit jobs on CNN. He being Hispanic himself gives the Righties cover against racism charges. We all know the Right only likes minorities that say only approved right wing blather. Accents are okay as long as they have the proper smirk.

Look for all the right wing silliness about how Judge Sotomayor will take away guns and lead us to socialism and be an activist and kill babies and let gays destroy marriage and conservative beastialiters bestialize. When that fails, look for them to make chamber maid jokes about her.
Then feel sorry for them. Cause that's really all the Republican Party has to look forward to these days. The losers pat on the rump.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


As a party activist myself, I can appreciate the loyalty shown by the righties to the RNC's daily talking points. Party discipline is important.

The fealty the righties show to their talk show hosts is also impressive. They must sit with mouth watering anticipation for Rush Limbaugh to tell them the latest gay bash. Or for Neal Bortz to remind us George W. Bush never got a hummer in the oval office. (At least that we know about.)

Or for Ann Coulter to call somebody a "faggot."

The loyalty of rightie bloggers to each other is also quite touching. I guarantee, if you want to start a blog and get yourself 30 or 40 quick followers, post a comment here calling me a socialist or something like that. You will gain instant popularity among bloggers that have no other purpose than posting on fellow righty blogs how wonderful each other is because they hate President Obama and Truth101.

On behalf of President Obama and myself, I say to all the righties that have created their own blogs for the purpose of ripping on us: Your welcome friends. While the President's focus is more on our Nation's security and economic growth, and mine is on spreading truth, wisdom and organizing workers into the Union, we are still proud of all the blogs created thanks to our efforts to better America.

God Bless You All. And May God Bless America...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I consider this more shallow than bigoted against green dudes.
I mean. Sure. Yoda could train Jedi. Levitate a space ship out of a swamp. Fling a mean light sabre and all. I respect all this.
But he still looks like a pickle.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Now that President Obama has given another excellent speech. This one to the graduating class of Notre Dame, the usual gang of righties is out in force bashing him for their usual list of reasons.
And you know, it doesn't matter what President Obama says or does. The gang of deluded righties will bitch about it. President Obama attends his daughter's soccer game. The news has a story about some right wing clown with nothing to do but make a nuisance of himself bitching about President Obama spending a couple hours at his daughter's soccer game.
Goofballs with no ideas and no clue what they stand for would rather spend their time whining because Michelle Obama has nice arms than address the real problems facing our Nation.
And as sucky as all this useless bitching from the righties is, apparently it has worked by derailing the agenda we elected President Obama to carry out.
National health insurance is still a pipe dream because a small but loud group of creeps and the deluded sheep that obey the insurance industry bellow that national health care is socialist. The junior high level mentality Republican Central Committee has made a resolution to call the Democratic Party the Democratic Socialist Party. Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. For some reason the Democratic Party embraced Arlen Specter. To make matters worse, it looks like it's helping this two faced asshole eliminate competition in the next Pennsylvania Democratic Primary.
My question to President Obama and whoever is supposed to be in charge of party stuff is didn't you shitheads learn anything from the run up to the Iraq invasion?
Let's get this straight folks. The Iraq Resolution was more about the politics of being tough than anything else. Because Senators and Congressmen were scared shitless of being labeled sissies on terror, they almost all voted to let Bush do whatever he, (or more likely do whatever Cheney told him) wanted to do. To make matters worse, they all continually voted to fund the Iraq occupation. They just voted another 90 million or so for Afghanistan.
It's time for the Democratic Party to grow a set of balls. If it can't, exhume Harry Truman and clone his balls. The Republican Party will not do anything now but obstruct and direct it's talking heads to rip everything the Democrats do or stand for. They deserve no seat at the table. They deserve no say, vote, committee assignment or keys to the capital washroom.
I will put my credentials as a Democrat up against anyone that reads this, and anyone that reads this knows. I've given my pound of flesh and then some to the Party. It doesn't owe me anything and the only thing I owe it is the truth. The truth is, if President Obama and the Democratic leadership sell out national health care, the transparent government America deserves, and getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, because they are scared the big bad Republicans will call them socialist, soft on terror enablers of the enemy, they don't deserve the offices to which they were elected.

Friday, May 15, 2009


There are millions of blogs on the web. For every Huffington Post, Daily Kos or Drudge Report that gets 600,000 visitors a day, and bring in loads of revenue, there are thousands that get a tiny fraction of that traffic. Their operators blog because they enjoy blogging and sharing ideas with others that enjoy blogging. We're not going to make a difference. We're probably not going to change anyone's mind. Basically, we're mixing it up, laughing, getting pissed every now and then. And having a good time.

If you never read Deranged Leftwing Baker's blog, you missed a real treat. He was smart. Clever. Well informed and had a great sense of humor. He was and I hope still is, as fine a blogger as anyone that ever blogged.

Why he left, I don't know. But I believe we are a big community. When a stand up guy with a talent for making us think and laugh as DLB did as well as anybody leaves, we all lose.

Wherever the road takes you Deranged Leftwing Baker, know that this small time blogger appreciates what you've given all of us. Good luck to you my friend...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


In one of my past careers, I promoted professional wrestling matches in Eastern Missouri. What I found fascinating was the parallels between the heels (bad guys) and the Republican Party.
You see. The heel was always cheating and up to no good. They always won their matches by pulling hair, or hitting their opponent with a chair or some other skulduggery like perhaps a blatant political court decision.
One of the closest parallels is that of the wrestler that lost the crowd. He would perform a couple dirty moves like when a Republican is down in the polls. After a while he would realize he sucked and instead of just going down for a quick pinfall and leaving the ring, he would start shouting insults and saying ridiculous things in a vain attempt to reestablish himself as something of interest.
This is much what my right wing blogging friends and their leaders like Rush Limbaugh are doing now. They know their message is failing. They know they are traveling down the road to irrelevance. So they call us names and heap sad insults on those of us that have the interests of our Nation at heart. Not the interests of the just the rich and powerful.
Being kind and gentle, I don't tell the righties they are poor deluded fools to be mean. I tell them they are poor, deluded right wing fools because it's the truth. I don't want them, or anyone to end up broken, defeated and mentally crippled by an ideology of hate and fear.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Not even the lips of Dick Cheney are to powerful to keep them off the ample posterior of Rush Limbaugh. (Pictured at right)
Of course, considering the vast amount of horseshit that passed through Cheney's lips, (The insurgency is in it's last throes) it is appropriate that they are pressed against another shit producing mechanism.
Now being the kind and gentle guy that I am, I appreciate a nice ass as much as anyone. My taste in asses is just different from Cheney's. But I fully support his right to kiss any ass he wants , get married and serve in the military.
Apparently Cheney shares the same lust for huge asses as Michael Steele and many Republican Congressmen and Senators. But don't get jealous boys. Rush has enough ass for all of you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I was going to do a SPEAK on torture today, but my Dad just sent me this email. I figured I would honor his 27 years in the United States Navy, as well as all other retired or actively serving in our Armed Forces by posting this instead. Thank you all for your visits and thanks to all who chose to serve in the Military.

The Aisle Seat

Two Radical Arab Terrorists boarded a flight out of London . One took a window seat and the other sat next to him in the middle seat... Just before takeoff, a U.S. Marine sat down in the aisle seat. After takeoff, the Marine kicked his shoes off, wiggled his toes and was settling in when the Arab in the window seat said, 'I need to get up and get a coke.' 'Don't get up,' said the Marine, 'I'm in the aisle seat, 'I'll get it for you.'
As soon as he left, one of the Arabs picked up the Marines shoe and spat in it. When the Marine returned with the coke, the other Arab said, 'That looks good, I'd really like one, too.' Again, the Marine obligingly went to fetch it. While he was gone the other Arab picked up the Marines other shoe and spat in it. When the Marine returned, they all sat back and enjoyed the flight.
As the plane was landing, the Marine slipped his feet into his shoes and knew immediately what had happened. He leaned over and asked his Arab neighbors... 'Why does it have to be this way?' 'How long must this go on? This fighting between our nations? This hatred? This animosity? This spitting in shoes and pissing in cokes?'

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Many of my conservative friends ask if me and my liberal friends feel somehow betrayed that after two years in the Senate, Barack Obama ran for President. What my conservative friends don't realize is that it was we who supported Barack Obama that told him to run for President.

I met then State Senator Obama at Clat Adams park in Quincy. I shook his hand after his electrifying speech. Asked him his position on gun owners rights. And told to run for president and we would all support him.

Two years later Senator Obama announced at the old State Capitol Building in Springfield, at the urging of so many like me, that he was running for President of the United States of America. For him not to have run would have been a disappointment to all of us that supported him.

Of all the decisions that have and will face President Obama throughout his term, few match the importance of selecting a Supreme Court Justice. President Obama, like myself, is widely respected for kindness. And he will kindly vet and interview many prospects. None will measure up to stature, toughness tempered with kind and gentleness, and dedication to our Nation and it's principles better than Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Thank you for visiting. Your comments are welcome friends...

Sunday, May 3, 2009


A troubling pattern has emerged at the sites I visit. It seems many conservative leaning bloggers leave a comment on a liberal leaning site. Then a short time later the conservative leaning blogger removes it.
It would be unkind to think, or Heaven forbid, accuse my conservative friends of conspiring to not visit and comment on liberal blogs. I would never think that a conservative who posted a comment on my kind and gentle site, or one of my liberal friends sites would receive an email or other communication telling him or her to remove it.
In fact my friends, I would not even entertain the thought that a fellow blogger on the conservative side would do a post on an issue posted at a liberal site, only to take it down after the liberal blogger saw it and left a comment.
Friends, we all want the same things. Good sex. Nice pair of shoes. Warm place to go to the bathroom. The path to this Utopia is paved with good manners.
Thank you for your visit...

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Dear Friends:
Just as our 41st President, George HW Bush, called for a kinder, gentler nation, we must live up to that goal and strive towards a kinder, gentler blogger nation.
Thank you all for visiting.

Friday, May 1, 2009


As I watch the Chrysler bankruptcy unfold it brings back a memory from 1991 that irritates me to this day.
I used to sell Chryslers at a local dealership at that time. One day we went to the plant in Hazelwood Mo. for a tour and unveiling of the new minivan.
What I remember most from that day was the employee parking lot. For every one Chrysler built car there were at least five of other brands.
Even back then I was a staunch Union supporter and dyed in the wool Democrat but I still questioned the tour guide as to why five out of six employee driver cars weren't Chryslers. The other salespeople on the tour agreed that my question was valid. Particularly since employees of the big three auto manufacturers got real sweet deals.
The tour guide must have heard this before because he said maybe they get them used or something and they can drive whatever they want. Union supporter. Workers rights supporter or not. What the employees that chose to drive brands other than the company that was paying their salaries and benefits was bullshit.
I'll put my credentials as a Union man up against anyone. But just as I believe employers owe employees a fair wage and respect, I believe employees do owe loyalty and commitment to the employer also.
When the Chrysler plants open back up and the employees get out of their cars, the ones getting out of cars that aren't Chryslers need to be told to get back in them. Go to the manufacturer that built their car, and ask it for a job. Because they most certainly do not deserve to be treated with the dignity and respect they think they deserve when they can't even show the company that is fighting to survive enough respect and loyalty to buy the product they gladly take a paycheck to build.