Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I've always said every silver cloud has a dark lining. These words are proven true by the demise of the Republican Party.

Look what it has become. This once proud party that embraced the bullshit, at least pretended to embrace the bullshit, of Reagan and his lip service to less regulation and poor government equals free people propaganda, has now become the pathetic party that panders to bigots, homophobes and paranoid deluded fools.

The bad news is now bigots, homophobes and paranoid deluded fools have their own major political party.

I give my fellow blogger, Professor Douglas of AMERICAN POWER BLOG hell for brutally long posts that could easily be condensed to three sentences. But the disease of long windedness is pervasive among the right and those that spend much time around these deluded fools. It has afflicted Colin Powell. The poor general takes an entire hour of Larry King's time admitting the Bush Administration is inept.

Right wing fools will never allow themselves to speak the truth about Bush and that's a shame. If their gift for long winded prose was used for good then perhaps peace in the Mideast would be a reality in our lifetimes.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Life's Lessons

I had a conversation with an idiot three days ago. He's been through three crappy jobs that had no benefits the last two years. His health wasn't good so he couldn't get or afford an individual policy. Yet this idiot was glad we don't have a national health insurance plan because he didn't want "big brother dictating his insurance." I asked him as politely as I couild why he thought it was OK having a big company tell him he couldn't have health insurance. His answer was if he couldn't afford it he coild choose not to have it. That's when I got a little peeved that I was not only seated next to this idot, but that any human being could be that dense and blind to his own plight. I told him it wasn't his choice not to have health insurance. The health insurance companies chose for you by keeping the freaking premium so high you couldn't get any even if you did have a job. The idiot said I sounded like a socialist. I said you're one of the unemployed masses and I ain't bought a drink for yet. I must be a crappy socialist. The idiot must have felt bad cause he bought the third round also.

There are lessons to be learned here for all to see. #1 is that the lazy and stupid get sucked in by right wing propaganda. #2 is the right wingers are right but don't know why when the say we live in the greatest Country ever. I'm sitting in a bar next to an unemployed guy with no health insurance and still has enough money to buy me three Rolling Rocks plus apack of Camels for himself. God Bless America.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Workers have a right to organize. Employers have a right to tell workers why they think they shouldn't organize.

The state is not the guardian of religion. If two people of the same sex want to have a state recognized marraige then it's nobody elses damn business.

George Bush is and after 1/20/09 was a shitty president.

The planet is getting warming and screwing things up.

Bloggers don't really make a whole hell of alot of difference in the great scheme of things. Relax.

GM, Chrysler and Ford may have done some things that have them screwed up now. But they are three of the greatest American companies. To let them die without trying to get them through this time would be stupid and unAmerican. 15 or 20 billion ain't shit compaered to the hundreds of billions an unimaginable amount of misery that would result from one or all of them to collapse.

Nobody is going to take anyone's guns away. Relax and worry about something that has a basis in reality.

Harry Truman wasn't that good a President.

Other than the war over the Falklands between England and Argentina, I can't think of any wars that have been won by any country(s) since WWII.

Putting a person in a position of authority because he/she is a prick is never a good idea. But for some reason, pricks continue to be put in positions of authority.

There is no such thing as a "good mutual fund paying ten to twelve percent." You find one that guarantees me %7 forever I will invest in it. And don't believe the crap about investing for the long term. Hundreds of mutual funds to choose from is not an investment choice. It's a crap shoot.

Necessity is the mother of everything. When we finally run out of oil we will get new sources of energy. Till then, buy stock in Exxon, Shell and BP.

Nobody will ever lower your taxes enough for you to actually notice. But politicians will continue to repeat this horseshit because we so desperatly want to believe it.

Religious zealots will spend the next thousand years telling us the end is near and the antichrist is among us.

Barack Obama can have anybody he damn well pleases pray at his inauguration.