I've always said that if you give a monkey a typewriter, eventually it will type something coherent. This is also true of republicans. Just not as often as with monkeys.
After watching details emerge from the latest attempted terrorist attack, it got me to thinking how many freaking security agencies do we have?
We have the FBI. CIA. NSA. TSA. Army and Navy Intelligence. I could go on and on. But the question is how many of these agencies with their own bureaucracies do we need. I don't question that we need all the people gathering and interpreting intelligence. Just how many masters do they need.
I've observed politics and politicians for years. An easy reply to any and all problems they encounter is to create a committee or a commission. After the 911 Attacks, Bush created the Department of Homeland Security. This of course led to turf battles and confusion among subordinates as to who was in charge. Who's job was what. Who gets the credit or blame. The blame came in handy for several clowns because they had yet another department to blame failures on.
In this latest incident, agencies are saying they didn't know about the terrorist who tried to blow up the plane because nobody told them. President Obama said that was "unacceptable." One of the most overused words in the political spectrum. It covers much but it really is nothing more than a good word to cover one's ass when shit is hitting the fan and no reasonable excuse or explanation can be thought of.
I don't know what to do about the penchant for creating a new agency or department to handle issues that existing departments and agencies should already be handling. Perhaps we should appoint a commission to study this.