Watching the Bears/Packers game last night reminded me of something years ago. I was watching the Bears/Packers then also when the phone rang. It was a lady on the other end asking if I wanted to adopt an orphan. I said no and she asked if I couldn't do that would I be willing to help some other way. She then said her organization bought duffel bags for orphans to pack their stuff in when moving from one foster home to another. Feeling guilty for not wanting to adopt an orphan I said sure. I'll give $20. The lady said a representative would be over in thirty minutes to pick up my donation.
After hanging up I came to my senses and thought what the hell kind of crap is this? Duffel bags for orphans. I seethed about this while waiting for the scumbag that was coming to pick up my donation. I told my wife I would throw him off the property and tell him to take his bogus duffel bag and shove it. The door bell rang and I opened the door locked and loaded to kick somebody's ass until I saw the representative looked like Andre the Giant only pissed off. I did what anyone of sane mind would do. I gave him $20 and thanked him for his service to orphans.
And just like I was sold a bill of goods about orphans and duffel bags, America has been played for the suckers we are with the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
We were told how dangerous and threatening they were. But to soften the blow, taxes weren't raised to pay for these operations. Let's make this palatable by not having this generation pay for this unpleasantness. Deficits don't matter.
Of all the bullshit we've been fed, the biggest piles are how each succeeding general was sold to us. From Franks to Petraeus. And I forgot how many others and I can't spell the current generals name and don't feel like looking for it. They were all the "right man for the job." This general will get things done they said. Greatest general since Alexander.
We all felt better. I still wonder to this day, if the latest reincarnation of Patton is so wonderful, why wasn't he put in charge in the first place?
The answer of course is our government is full of lying, sniveling dicks who would rather see more young men and women die than admit their own stupidity and arrogance.
We ask much from those who choose to serve in the military. I saw the Captain leading his outfit through an Afghan village the other night. He had to kiss up to the locals who in return kissed up to him. The locals asked how the war was going. The Captain said "we're winning." The locals said "we're on your side." The sad part is just a few short hours after he left Taliban assholes came to the village and kissed up and in return were kissed up. The Taliban guy said they were winning. The locals said "Good. We're on your side."They got information they could use to kill our Guys. They probably scored a recruit or two.
Look at this without the patriotic, all American blinders on and it makes sense. A squad of American Soldiers comes to the village looking suspicious. They ran off the Taliban. Pricks, yes indeed. But they were Afghan pricks who shared the same religion and were misogynist assholes like the village elders. Now here comes a squad of Taliban. They speak the language. They encourage you to grow opium. You play ball with them and you don't get your ears cut off.
There is nothing there worth the lives of any more of our Soldiers. Karzai is a pathetic piece of crap and he's the best friend we have there.
And all the while our Troops are being played by two faced bastards, the world is playing us also. While our treasury is being drained, China and Russia are laughing. Nations that trade with us know this is distracting us from reforming the health insurance system so American Business is relieved from the burden of employee health care. They know that is a cost advantage they have. They don't want us to have that. Jobs might leave China and India and come back here.
The old saying goes, "Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me."
The world is burning us and we keep pouring lighter fluid on ourselves.