Before anyone writes off the career of Governor Sanford, it is wise to remember the Republican's capacity to forgive the sins of Republicans.
A sex scandal is no big deal to them. They know that the hard work of reducing government and deregulating leaves men vulnerable to temptations of the flesh. After the secret society of Republican scandal fixers gets done with Mrs. Sanford, she will probably be holding press conferences blaming herself and the liberal media for her husbands dalliances.
Newt Gingrich got away with his affairs. Now he's an important spokesman for Republicans. Rush Limbaugh "Doctor shopped" for Oxycontin and still is collecting from his 400 million dollar contract.
Funny how no Republican can talk about Sanford without mentioning Clinton. But they don't mention Mark Foley or Larry Craig. These two weirdos are forgiven by Republicans also. They just don't talk about it. It's kind of like a Republican policy of "don't ask. Don't tell." Gay Republicans are forgiven as long as nobody mentions their gayness. If you think I'm wrong just mention Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter. Then watch the Republicans go apeshit for mentioning his lesbian daughter. As long as the offenders repeat right wing catch phrases, they will be welcome in the Republican Party.
One of the things that makes our Country so great is the infinite number of ways to achieve your dreams. As a die hard Union man, I've always advocated working smart. Not hard. The right has proven that it is smart to talk dumb to people. Tell them what they want to hear and they will follow you anywhere. If you want to start a blog and want lots of followers, post here or one of my left leaning com padres blogs that you think we're assholes. Nothing else is necessary because the fifty people that will sign up to be your followers within two hours neither care or understand anything else. Then keep them hooked by complaining about Obama or taxes. A picture of a good looking woman on your profile reels in even more of them.
So my friends; remember what Reverend Billy Graham told President Nixon. "Mr. President. Forgive thine enemy seventy times seven. As long as he's a Republican.