Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You know. It's hard work being a good Nihilist Liberal like myself. We have to think and be sincere. We have to worry about our fellow human beings. We have to come up with grand ideas that will make lives better like national health insurance. An educational system that educates. A system of fair regulation and taxation that helps make the American Dream a reality.
But damn. I'm getting tired so I'll try being a Republican tonight.
You lazy welfare sucking whores. That's what you Democrats are. You want to take away my hard earned inheritance and give to some poor slob that's too lazy to work.
You want our country to be overrun with terrorist Arabs( pronounced A-rabs) and illegal Mexicans. Then you and these thugs from ACORN register them to vote to take away our guns.
Bad enough all your damn regulations drive up the cost of food. Then you want to legalize marijuana just so you can tax it also you greedy tax hungry liberal scum.
Don't you dumbass Democrats know that outsourcing jobs to China creates jobs? How dense can you be? It's the Union's fault anyway for wanting unrealistic things like a living wage and health insurance.
That's the problem with you Democrats. You think you deserve everything like a government that doesn't go to war against countries that were no threat. And don't even start whining about enhanced interrogation you liberal whiners! There is nothing wrong with splitting somebody's ears or cracking his head or water boarding him if we think he might have done something bad. These people want to kill us you know. They want to destroy our way of life. The want our wives, daughters, apple pies and Chevys. And you weak liberal scum would let them have it if it wasn't for great Americans like Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh.
The Bible says Love God above all else and Love thy neighbor as thyself. That's why I hate you Godless liberal trash.
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Every now and then even the Democrats need some time in the woodshed. This is one of those times.
Enough of the Democrats in Congress kissing the asses of the damn Republican obstructionist, idea less gang of Working American hating jerks. We have Congress. If the damn Republicans want to filibuster let the assholes filibuster. No bill is better than a bad bill. These jokers don't want compromise and bipartisanship. They want tax cuts for their benefactors no matter what the cost to our Nation. Quit trying to force bipartisanship on these clowns. It shows weakness and emboldens them.
Look at how AIG has been handled. What a fucking mess. It's as bad as Iraq because the Democrats were too freaking scared a mean Republican would call us socialists for nationalizing a company that needed to be nationalized in order to fix a freaking mess. But God forbid we do the right thing. Oh shit. Mitch the Weenie McConnell might go on Meet the Press and call us a name. Fuck him! Fuck Boehner and the rest of these jokers! How much are we going to spend on AIG now? Nationalize the monstrosity and break it up. Only billions more dollars and embarrassment are waiting if the Dems keep up the pansy routine and let the Repubs keep us on the same road to ruin.
The spend and borrow, deregulate policies of the Republicans got us into this crisis. Their answer is more of the same. They don't deserve a seat at the table unless the table is the mess hall in the nearest prison. And if the Democrats keep sucking up to this crowd, they deserve to be sitting next to them.
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More right wing bullshit. Seems these assholes think it's fine and dandy for AIG fatcats to get 6.5 million dollars in bonuses. These greedy rich bastards are telling us that the grease ball execs that are getting them have a contract and it wouldn't be right for the government to go around voiding contracts.
But this same group of right wing hypocrite pricks all said the UAW had to renegotiate their contracts with the Big Three automakers. You remember that GM and Chrylser got a around 15 billion between them. AIG is well over a hundred billion and counting. Proof positive the corporate right wing cabal of anti American Worker assholes only cares about the wealthy and has no regard for the contractual rights of anyone but one of their own selfish rich members.
You right wing neocon bastards deserve 400 lb. lesbians in your bedrooms.
Monday, March 16, 2009

It's all about the hit count Baby! Here's the two hottest neocon lesbian chicks on the web. They hate the idea of gay marriage. They want low taxes. Less regulation. Welfare sucking whores to get off their fat asses and get jobs. Nihilists to be forced into reeducation camps run by Professor Donald Douglas and buffalo humping moose to be slaughtered.
And BRAIN RAGE'S James B. Webb hasn't been here for a while. I figure giving him some hot neocon eye candy would pull him away from his new internet girlfriend, "Sweetits."
Thanks for the idea Professor. Hits are off the charts!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
First of all, Mike says he think abortion is an individual choice. He doesn't care one way or another. He just knows evangelicals are wise to Republican pandering and chicanery now so he's trying to make up for that loss by bringing pro choicers into the Republican fold of bigots, homophobes, greedy and morons.
Poor Mike tried to convince D.L. Hughley that he was a "Brother" by bashing Rush Limbaugh as an inciter and an entertainer. That backfired on him when he forgot to let Rush in on his ill begotten plan and Rush gave him a verbal beatdown. Mike had to apologise and his plan to get Americans of Color on the Republican side went down in a bucket of Rush Limbaugh's flaming lard.
This poor chump can't do anything right. But some right wing fat cat will give him a big paying job or something to go away soon enough. Then it will be back to a well connected white guy in charge of the Republican Party who will get back to the Republican business of pandering to bigots, homophobes, greed rich people and morons.
God Bless the two party system and America...
Friday, March 13, 2009

The Shithead of the Week has got to be Republican National Chairman Michael Steele. This poor guy can't do anything right. And it's not hard pleasing the right. How hard is to just repeat over and over; " Lower taxes." " Less regulation." "Torture is good for America." "We don't do torture." "Although I have nothing personal against gays, they should not be allowed to marry." " Great post Donald."
Poor Michael calls Limbaugh names then apologises to Limbaugh for telling the truth. Says he's pro choice before apologising and saying he's always been pro life. Noted Jesus Freak Tony Perkins wants an apology. Ann Coulter wants an apology from Steele because she's offended the black guy thinks Michelle Obama's arms are sexier than her scrawny white right wing arms.
Wear the crown proudly Chairman Steele. In a few weeks when the Republican Party unceremoniously kicks your ass to the curb, you can tell your children and grandchildren you were still the first official TRUTH 101...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I pasted the piece of the EFCA that seems to be causing all the commotion with the right wing. It's not that long so perhaps they will finally read the damn thing before blindly following what Limbaugh and the anti Working American, pro outsource American Jobs assholes at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce tell them.
(a) In General- Section 9(c) of the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 159(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, whenever a petition shall have been filed by an employee or group of employees or any individual or labor organization acting in their behalf alleging that a majority of employees in a unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining wish to be represented by an individual or labor organization for such purposes, the Board shall investigate the petition. If the Board finds that a majority of the employees in a unit appropriate for bargaining has signed valid authorizations designating the individual or labor organization specified in the petition as their bargaining representative and that no other individual or labor organization is currently certified or recognized as the exclusive representative of any of the employees in the unit, the Board shall not direct an election but shall certify the individual or labor organization as the representative described in subsection (a).
(7) The Board shall develop guidelines and procedures for the designation by employees of a bargaining representative in the manner described in paragraph (6). Such guidelines and procedures shall include--
(A) model collective bargaining authorization language that may be used for purposes of making the designations described in paragraph (6); and
(B) procedures to be used by the Board to establish the validity of signed authorizations designating bargaining representatives.'.
I admit that I do find a flaw in the Act. A simple majority of a shop is not a strong enough commitment to the organization and forming of a Union.
I think a two thirds majority supporting organization makes more sense. Then the Department of Labor comes in and holds the actual election. They are supposed to do this already so don't let the right wingers tell they don't.
An unfortunate thing that makes this Act necessary is the illegal harassment of people that try to organize. Although it is illegal, the Dept. of Labor has been all but absent enforcing the law regarding this. The Act gives more protection to those that are exercising their legal rights to organize.
The Act doesn't order or favor one side during negotiations. It only calls for the parties to bargain in good faith. It allows both sides to call in federal mediators to help facilitate negotiations in case of impasse. I worked with a mediator once. I thought he was a dick. But in fairness, he was a dick to both sides.
As good as this bill is, it still won't have much weight in Right to Work states. Or as they are more accurately called, Right to Scab states. In these states Union membership is optional in Union Shops but employees that refuse membership and to pay dues for the servicing of their contract still enjoy the benefits of the contract. This of course appeals to company suck asses. It also effectively prevents Unions from organizing in these states because they can't collect enough in dues to service members and their contracts.
Most states are "at will" states. That is, an employer can terminate employees without cause unless they are covered under a Union Contract, civil law, or the employee can prove discrimination. Good luck with that. Most Workers would like to be in a Union and enjoy the benefits of working under a collective bargaining agreement. The EFCA levels the playing field with unscrupulous employers like Walmart that use illegal tactics and intimidation to keep employee wages and benefit costs down.
There are many companies that specialize in keeping Unions out. They employ delaying tactics. Intimidation. Propaganda. All kinds of crap. And they are good at it. These jokers could sell crap To an Avon Lady. The Act stops these unethical tactics.
There is no reason to fear Unions. They have fought to make the lives of Working Americans better for generations. Almost every family in America is thankful that a current or past parent or grandparent had a Union job that helped raise and fulfill the American Dream for them. Now as much as ever Union jobs can help continue to secure the American Dream. Business has no reason to fear Unions. All that they are asked is to bargain in good faith if their employees choose. Employers that treat employees with dignity and respect will most likely never even see their Workers organize anyway.
Fair pay, beneifits and job security are what Union membership offers. Dedicated long term employees are what employers enjoy when their workplaces hire Union Labor. It's a win win situation for Labor. Management and America.
Monday, March 9, 2009

That the Republican Party held together under the leadership of Rush Limbaugh (Yes. He was and is the leader of the Republican party whether they like it or not) is a testament to their blind adherence to anyone that says what they want to hear.
But, as Reverend Wright says, "The chickens are coming home to roost." More accurately, those that found their self esteem and got tired of lard ass pricks like Rush Limbaugh telling them what to think are leaving the Republican Party in droves.
These wised up people are being called traitors and worse by those that still blindly believe whatever Rush tells them. They realize that Conservatism and the Republican party have been hijacked by the selfish and greedy who rule through the politics of lies and misleads. All the proof we need to see that Rush and Co. will say whatever they think will keep their base in the fold is their running away from George W. Bush. They say he wasn't a real Conservative. Bullshit. Bush was their best dupe ever. He did what they wanted when they wanted. With Cheney pulling his puppet strings, the real leaders of the Republican Party held our government and our Country by the balls for eight years. They sang Bush's praises that whole time. Now that Bush's failures have made him so unpopular, the leaders and mouthpieces of the right put their brand of beatdown on him to keep as many as they can in the fold.
The Republican Party has and always will be the Party that favors the wealthy at the expense of our Country. Don't be fooled by their tax cut, spending cut shtick. They may cut welfare, education and school lunches. But believe me. Any defense contractor with a good lobbyist will get however much he wants. And he'll get a big tax cut to go with his contract. But the Middle Class will get $8 a week. That's the Republican idea of a fair tax system.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
One of my old adversaries was an expert at avoiding revealing his ideas also. He went by the moniker of "Tiger Woods." Apparently he was a good golfer. He was also a viable candidate for Congress. Thank God he lost in the primary. It didn't matter anyway because my District is gerrymandered to favor my outstanding Democratic Congressman Phil Hare.
Anyway, this Tiger fellow would challenge me to debate something. I would graciously offer to let him go first. He never would. So being the good sport that I am. And also possessing the courage and intellectual integrity of my convictions, I would go first. Tiger would respond with a withering assault on my position but in true right wing form, never offer an alternative. The one time he did he made such a fool of himself I offered to send him the code for my site so he could delete any comments he made that were as stupid. [The original post was my premise that the right used abortion to keep Evangelical voters on their side so in reality, it was the right that wanted abortion to stay legal even more so than the left. Tiger took issue with this. Then incredulously, the right wing fool said if abortion were allowed under certain circumstances, (life, health rape, incest) doctors would do them anyway so why ban abortion. It was then that I offered Tiger the codes to delete his foolishness.]
The same right wing tomfoolery is going on now with President Obama's stimulus package. We're hemorrhaging jobs. When you're bleeding, stop the bleeding fist. That's what Obama is trying to do with the stimulus package. The right has all their talking heads attacking Obama's plan while offering no plan of their own. It's typical right wing bullshit. It's not working either. Obama is still enjoying good poll numbers. One of these idiots, Jim Cramer, who attacked the Obama stimulus, is the same dumbass that told his listeners everything was fine at Bear Stearns then three weeks later Bear Stearns goes bankrupt.
I think the Right realizes they are wrong. That's probably why they avoid offering any real ideas. Just bowing their heads and saying "Ronald Reagan, tax cut and deregulate" is good enough for them.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More and more, people that thought of themselves as Republicans are abandoning their Party. Or as Reagan once said about the Democratic Party, it has abandoned them.
Of course we all knew Reagan said that because he knew the money was behind the Republicans. His acting career was going nowhere and he needed a job. If GE was going to pay him 100 grand a year to spout off right wing nonsense, then as a Loyal American, it was his duty to take it.
Awakened former Republicans have a choice now. Either run off to some Lala land of Independence and have Jesse Ventura shoved up your ass. Or listen to your conscience. Join the real Party of the big tent. Join the Democratic Party.
We are the Party of good people and good ideas. WE are the Party that really does put America first.
Rush Limbaugh thinks you're a pinko for not sucking his ass and blindly agreeing to all his deluded talking points. I think you show good sense and patriotism.
We don't have to agree on everything. If we do then one of us has a serious problem with his nose. But if you have good ideas. Love our Country. And want to make a positive difference in people's lives, The Democratic Party is ready for you.
Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Right says the Left is racist for making fun of Governor Jindal's lame rebuttal to the great address President Obama delivered to Congress and The Nation.
The Left says the Right is racist for it's totally unfounded attacks on President Obama's address to Congress and the Nation.
Well. I think the racist angle is bullshit on both sides. Jindal gave a lame rebuttal because he gave a lame rebuttal. Not because his skin is darker than mine. Obama delivers a great speech because he worked hard at his craft and is brilliant. Not because his skin is darker than mine. I just wish those that get on FOX and CNN would come up with better angles than the race angle. Insensitivity and tasteless humor do not mean you're a racist. It means you are insensitive and have a tasteless sense of humor.
Michael Steele is not an "Uncle Tom." He 's a guy with deluded views. He's also making good money. He's got to have some intelligence.
That being said, there is no joke that can't be made better by adding Jesse Jackson, The Pope, A Rabbi and an atheist to the punchline. All four make it even better:
The Pope. Jesse Jackson, an Atheist and the Rabbi were in a meeting at the Vatican when an earthquake stuck and killed all of them. They all stood before St. Peter at the Gates of Heaven and St. Peter spoke. "Pope Benedict. Your name is not in The Book of Life. You will proceed to Hell." The Pope said " But Peter. I am the Pope. I'm infallible." Peter said "Pope. We will allow you to return to living and make amends for a fee of $100."
St. Peter then told Reverend Jesse Jackson his name wasn't in The Book of Life either. Reverend Jackson said But Peter." I am a Civil Rights Icon. You can't send me to Hell." St. Peter then offered Jesse the same deal The Pope got.
The Rabbi was also told his name was not in The Book of Life. The Rabbi said " OY! Petey. I am one of the Chosen People. You can't send me to Hell." St. Peter then offered the Rabbi the same deal he gave the Pope and Jesse Jackson.
The Atheist was then told his name was obviously not in The Book of Life but St. Peter offered him the deal also.
Moments later, as workers were loading the Atheist's body into the Hearse, it suddenly sprang back to life. The shocked workers asked the Atheist what happened. The Atheist told them about the deal St. Peter gave him and the others. "Where are the others?" asked the workers.
The Atheist said "The last I saw, The Pope was trying to find volunteers for a fundraiser. The Rabbi had St. Peter down to $64.95. And Jesse Jackson was looking all over for a cosigner."
Now that I've either made you snicker or pissed you off, I am Roman Catholic. I donate to my Church every week and volunteer my time whenever my Church asks. I voted for Reverend Jackson in the Presidential Democratic Primary twice. I've worked closely with avowed Atheists on elections and Union activities. Their lack of belief in The Almighty doesn't mean they don't care about their fellow man. In my experience, they are more dedicated. I admit I don't know many Jewish People. I am a firm supporter of Israel and Israel's right to defend herself.
If both sides keep playing the racist card where none exists, the racists win.