I'm a big fan of
TAO's blog
Radical Perspective. It ranks up there with
Brain Rage as two of the best blogs on the
Internet. But since I've been visiting, I've noticed
TAO's tone has gotten more heated. I don't blame him.
Throughout history, assholes have hijacked ideas, religions, economic
systems, God knows what else, as a justification for their own greed, selfishness, want of power, or just cause some of them enjoyed being assholes.
TAO's Conservatism has been hijacked and as a movement, most likely destroyed by the greedy and the
Neocons like Cheney, Addison and others. They used a word that would register positively with Americans and blinded all to their real agenda. Making lots of money and having lots of power for the few in their movement. Bush was a blind fool. Government agencies and law enforcement were used to protect and promote the
neocon agenda. Illegal wiretaps. A Justice Department staffed with legal illiterate graduates of Liberty University. A willing dupe in Alberto
Gonzalas. Before him, a religious zealot whose
first concern was placing towels over statues of bare breasted women.
Because of the pain inflicted on America by those that hijacked Conservatism and the Republican Party, both these things are close to the end. The Republican Party will come back eventually because that's the way things work. Not because of a return to real Conservative ideals or anything so grand. But because the party in power can only go so long before screwing things up and giving the other a way back to power.
But Conservatism is all but dead. Although they tried to kill Liberalism, all the knives they threw at it bounced off. Millions of elderly and disabled thank God for FDR and Social Security. The thank God for LBJ and Medicare. Minorities thank God and LBJ for the Civil Rights Act.
I can't think of anything to thank Conservatism for except skyrocketing deficits and economic misery.
When one thinks of great Conservatives, I guess they think of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Reagan was no Conservative. He has been deified mostly because Conservatives had nobody else to make a saint. Barry Goldwater was a cranky guy from Arizona. All his years as Senator and the only thing we remember was the little girl getting nuked ad LBJ laid on him.
I'm not crying any rivers over the death of Conservatism. Good riddance as far as I'm concerned. My only advice is to real Conservatives. Find another name for your movement if you want your ideals to live beyond 2012.