Friday, February 27, 2009


Lord knows I do my best to remain as dignified as possible. But sometimes, plain talk is what is called for. Such is the case when speaking about right wing talking points.

No doubt, their line of crap can sound appealing to those with little sense, vision or intelligence. Who doesn't want lower taxes and less regulation. Especially when there's a cop in your rear view mirror with his lights on.

But instead of taking the right wing points apart one by one, it's easier and more efficient to just lump them together and call it a big right wing fart.

Who isn't impressed by a good loud one. Of course our pleasure is soon turned to discomfort as the rancorous odor wafts about. Much like right wing talking points. We can all shake our fists and shout "Hell yeah!" when they start blathering about low taxes and less regulation. But soon the stench of huge deficits and economic collapse sets in and makes us miserable.

Fortunately Bush has crippled the Republican Party with his failed presidency. The throngs of deluded right wing fools that expel their flatulence is shrinking. The stench of right wing policies is being replaced by the sweet smell of Hope and Change.

Thursday, February 26, 2009



The poor deluded Republican Presidential hopefuls are without a clue. Their blind obedience to failed Right Wing talking points is failing them.

The attempt of their latest poster child, Bobby Jindal, to channel Ronald Reagan's mantra of never letting the TRUTH stand in the way of a good anecdote fooled a few blind right wing fools. But it has not fooled the masses. AND IT MOST CERTAINLY HAS NOT FOOLED THE ORACLE!

Even the right wing contingent from Sarah Palin's Alaska saw through your ill prepared and amateurish rebuttal to President Obama's latest address.

The morass for the Republican Party will not end with the soon demise of Bobby Jindal's political career. They will continue their futile search for somebody who can lie and mislead as well as Reagan. Their futile trotting out of Republican "saviors" will only be fodder for bloggers and late night comedians.

Right wingers, bigots, homophobes and religious zealots will claim President Obama is destroying America, but it is President Obama and the vision of Hope and Change that he brings that will save America from them.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Like most of you, I watched President Obama's exciting speech last night.
Words like uplifting and inspirational described the Presidents words to America and the world.
Words like lame. Pathetic. Boring. Same old bullshit, describe the Republican rebuttal delivered by Governor Jindal.
The poor deluded Republican Party. The best they have is this clown who wants to play politics with the stimulus and deliver failed right wing rhetoric. I'm beginning to think the Republicans are resigned to another Obama victory in 2012 so they're getting rid of uninspiring boobs like Jindal and Palin now.
All who know me and what I've stood for know that I am above all else, a charitable and empathetic man. It pains me to see the Party of Lincoln so lost and looking for a message that hasn't proven to be nonsense. Therefore, in the spirit of bipartisanship which all but three Congressional Republicans urinated on, I shall reveal the new Republican Message of Hope.
Farmers everywhere know of the legacy of the great Nixon Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz. He spoke great things about growing food and raising cows and stuff. But he most famously gave us the phrase, "Good sex. A nice pair of shoes. And a warm place to go to the bathroom."
Of course, Earl's use of the phrase was offensive considering it was the punchline of a tasteless joke. In this case, it's appropriate that the party that panders to bigots, homophobes and nuts, should adopt this as it's new slogan and platform for the 21st Century.
Glad I could help some fellow Americans.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I'm a big fan of TAO's blog Radical Perspective. It ranks up there with Brain Rage as two of the best blogs on the Internet. But since I've been visiting, I've noticed TAO's tone has gotten more heated. I don't blame him.

Throughout history, assholes have hijacked ideas, religions, economic systems, God knows what else, as a justification for their own greed, selfishness, want of power, or just cause some of them enjoyed being assholes.

TAO's Conservatism has been hijacked and as a movement, most likely destroyed by the greedy and the Neocons like Cheney, Addison and others. They used a word that would register positively with Americans and blinded all to their real agenda. Making lots of money and having lots of power for the few in their movement. Bush was a blind fool. Government agencies and law enforcement were used to protect and promote the neocon agenda. Illegal wiretaps. A Justice Department staffed with legal illiterate graduates of Liberty University. A willing dupe in Alberto Gonzalas. Before him, a religious zealot whose first concern was placing towels over statues of bare breasted women.

Because of the pain inflicted on America by those that hijacked Conservatism and the Republican Party, both these things are close to the end. The Republican Party will come back eventually because that's the way things work. Not because of a return to real Conservative ideals or anything so grand. But because the party in power can only go so long before screwing things up and giving the other a way back to power.

But Conservatism is all but dead. Although they tried to kill Liberalism, all the knives they threw at it bounced off. Millions of elderly and disabled thank God for FDR and Social Security. The thank God for LBJ and Medicare. Minorities thank God and LBJ for the Civil Rights Act.
I can't think of anything to thank Conservatism for except skyrocketing deficits and economic misery.

When one thinks of great Conservatives, I guess they think of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Reagan was no Conservative. He has been deified mostly because Conservatives had nobody else to make a saint. Barry Goldwater was a cranky guy from Arizona. All his years as Senator and the only thing we remember was the little girl getting nuked ad LBJ laid on him.

I'm not crying any rivers over the death of Conservatism. Good riddance as far as I'm concerned. My only advice is to real Conservatives. Find another name for your movement if you want your ideals to live beyond 2012.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'm tired of caring about the freaking deficit. Screw the deficit.

The deluded right wing fools that would have us believe tax cuts helped the economy grow are full of crap. They say Kennedy's, Reagan's and Bush's tax cuts led to prosperity. Bullshit. They all operated in a budget deficit. Big ass deficits to. Big deficits equal prosperity.

Now everyone in the Nation is all of a sudden concerned about the deficit. Not me anymore. Fuck it. I want bigger deficits. Big deficits have meant great prosperity to the wealthiest. The distribution of wealth is ridiculously slanted toward the wealthiest few. I want my share. If five percent of Americans can have 80% of the wealth with a ten trillion dollar deficit, just think how good me and the rest of the poor and middle class chumps can have it if the deficit is even bigger. Damn right I want some deficit trickle down. If it's good enough for Dick Cheney, it's good enough for me.


Saturday, February 21, 2009


Socks the Wonderful Cat is gone.

I don't care.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


A few years ago I was in a bargaining unit negotiation and the representative from management told me that our wages and benefits were worth about $90 an hour. Considering that the average wage in that unit was $15 an hour, I thought his $90 was nuts. And also considering that I wasn't stupid enough to think the other side was going to be up front and honest, I checked with the comptroller who told me a few days earlier the wage and benefit package was approximately wages plus 40%. Doing the math I knew we weren't close to the $90 my opponent claimed.
So I quickly proposed that I would take the $90 an hour and pay for my own insurance.

This of course got shot down. The management rep said I was being silly. What was really silly was when the management rep told me his wage and benefits cost the employer less than ours even though he made two and a half times our average salary.

The interesting point here is that the guy who made two and a half times more than me, in his mind, thought he was making less.

In all the debates I've had with right wing bloggers about graduated taxes and cuts that benefit the wealthiest, they always use the same tired and horseshit argument about the wealthy working harder and longer hours to get wealthy so they deserve all this great stuff.

Mitt Romney has four palatial homes. The McCains have either seven or nine. They can't remember. Now if these rich people are working such long hard hours, where do they find the time to live in all these homes? I don't remember any pictures of Cindy McCain toiling with the fat dude that loads Miller High Life. I do remember her spread in Vogue where she was pretty much just laying around a mansion in her expensive blue jeans.

There is blame all over for the state of the economy. The right wing rich say we didn't let the Bush tax cuts work. They're more concerned with their tax cut than the well being and financial solvency of our Country. There are deluded right wing bloggers that would have us believe crushing debt is a good. And these are the same people that would try to convince a guy making $15 an hour is better off then they are.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


People are just afraid of frank talk. That's a fucking shame.

Greta Van Sustern just interviewed new mom, Bristol Palin. Of course Greta was polite and as respectful as she could be. It came down to, as always when an adult talks to a child, Great asking Bristol what she learned and if she had anything she wanted to say to other children about sex and motherhood. Bristol honestly said she wished she would have had her baby ten years later when she finished school and had a career. I commend her.

But what I don't commend is anyone thinking Bristol, Greta or anyone just saying wait ten years before having sex is going to keep anyone with normally developing hormones from having sex.

When I was a kid in sex ed class we treated it as a joke. When our teacher, who also taught religion at Holy Family, read to us from Becoming a Person what intercourse was, we all giggled. The girls got embarrassed, but they were giggling also. I got in trouble for saying " I'm getting one of those erections like in the book." It got a big laugh and is still talked about to this day in the halls of Holy Family in North Chicago. I got my head cracked with a ruler. My knuckles cracked and a week after school. The teacher even called me a little anti Christ. Looking back, it was worth it.

But the point being, did all of us remember terrible things that happen from unprotected sex? No. We all remember Joey said something funny and got in trouble.

Teachers and parents need to tell kids what happens in the real world. Not this abstinence horseshit. Show them genitals rotten with drug resistant VD or Herpes sores all over it. Smear some baby poop on them and make them walk around all day with the stench. That's what the first two to three years of parenthood smell like. If you're lucky she'll just get pregnant. If not, your genitals rot off and you still smell like shit.

Jesus freaks need to get on board with the frank talk express more than the rest of us. Standing in front of church with a warm smile on your face because your daughters look so wholesome in their pretty white dresses isn't going to keep the lechers from lifting those pretty white dresses when smiling daddy isn't around. And the sweet teenage girl lifting up her pretty white dress isn't just giving up the booty. She's given it up before young man. She's also giving the clap.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


A friend of mine finally convinced me to go hunting with him. I warned him that I tried hunting 20 or so years ago and sucked at it so I stopped

My friend, John, told me not to worry. He had a great farm a few miles from Quincy that had plenty of animals to shoot. He wanted to go out and get some rabbits and squirrels for some kind of stew. John said I could use one of his guns cause I said I'll get the hunting license but I'm not going through all the red tape to get a FOID card just to shoot at a squirrel. John also said he'd get a case of beer so that made the trip kind of worthwhile.

So we get to the farm and John's brother is already there. I forgot John's brother's name so I called him "Brother" the rest of the day. Anyway, Brother is wearing a camouflage outfit and has his face smeared with some brown stuff. I thought it was overkill considering we were there to kill squirrels and rabbits, but I figured the guy must have spent alot of money on this shit at Walmart so I won't make any wise cracks.

John was unloading the case of beer and the guns we'd be using, a 12 gauge shotgun and a 22 caliber rifle. I was oping he'd let me use the shotgun but he hands me the 22. Not much more than a BB gun. A gun for sissies I thought. I figured Brother must know what he's doing so I ask him if we're going to work as a team to flush out our prey. Brother said "I hunt alone." And gave me dirty look. To break the tension after asking him the offending question, I asked Brother why he was hunter. Brother said "For the meat" as he gave me another cold look. I wanted to ask him if he killed the three Slim Jims in his back pocket but I figured that might piss him off. Instead I told him to go kill something for us to feast on. Brother told me and John to head North and he would head south. I was born in Connecticut. Either say right or left. To save myself another icy stare I waited for Brother to head out so I could just go the opposite direction.

After traipsing around about two hours John and I hear Brother's gun go off and a yell from Brother. I heard the same yell on a fishing lure commercial so I told John
that Brother must have shot a fish.

After another hour John spotted our prey. The elusive rabbit. Not ten feet away. John lifted his 12 gauge and took deadly aim. It's hard to miss from ten feet with a 12 gauge shotgun. John pulled the trigger and the rabbit was ours. What was left of it anyway. John put the few remaining guts and fur in his pouch and we moved on in search of more life sustaining game.

We trekked another hour before seeing something worth shooting. An old "no trespassing" sign hanging from a barb wire fence. I looked at John and he nodded. I set my sights on the "no trespassing sign and readied to squeeze the trigger. Then it hit me. I'm a Nihilist. Not a hunter. I lowered my rifle and gave a nod to the "no trespassing sign. I could sense it nodding back. In the spirit of Black Elk, I laid down my rifle and vowed to hunt no more.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


If anyone is still left wondering, I am and have been since I was thirteen a partisan Democrat.
I look at issues through the eyes of a partisan Democrat.

When I see people who can't afford health insurance I want to find a way to make it affordable for them. My opinion is a single payer national health insurance program is the best way. Takes the burden of health insurance off businesses that provide it. We all pay into it with a 3 or 4 percent income tax and reasonable deductibles or co pays. Everyone has an investment. I call it moving forward as a Nation.

When I see good people being laid off from their jobs, I don't view as the economy at work. I don't see it as a business decision. I see a tragedy. I want my government to do something. We're bleeding jobs right now. To do nothing would be a slap in the face of hard working Americans. I don't have a problem with my taxes going up to help people not as fortunate as me get back to work.

When I hear reports on the news of my government authorizing torture of another human being it sickens me. We have more than enough examples of our government ignoring despicable acts such as slavery or the treatment of Native Americans. We don't have to abandon our principles because our enemies either abandoned or had none to begin with.

I am a Democrat. I want my government to help make the lives of all Americans better. I want my government and my Country to be what all governments and countries aspire to.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Just how desperate for a message that resonates with anyone are the Republicans. Their top spokespeople are Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. How pathetic are they when the two most influential people in their Party are these two clowns? I know Bush sucked and probably still does, but he was president for eight years. Has he sunk so low that even his fellow Republicans would rather follow a lard ass and a skank?

Poor Michael Steele. Republican spinmeisters keep giving him the same tired old right wing catch phrases. Try something different for a Republican Mike. The Truth.

The talking point of the week for Republicans is "It's FDR's fault."
Millions of people thank God every day for The New Deal and the safety net Social Security provides. I guess Republicans think destitute old and disabled people is somehow more American.

Despite their foolish efforts, Republicans are soon to go the way of the dinosaur. The only thing they have going for them is the ability to revise history to suit their deluded beliefs. I suggest they put this to good use and at least save themselves embarrassing chapters in history books. While you guys still can, have all books and records purged of anything relating to all Republican presidents back to Nixon. That way the last Republican we will have to remember is Eisenhower. Everyone liked Ike. Well, except for Adlai Stevenson.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


(Back by popular demand)


The Republican Party is trying to put on a happy face. They are trying to convince America they are the Party of bipartisan cooperation. They are trying to make Americans believe they really do care about what happens to the middle class. Republican leadership may have fooled a few right wing bloggers and some paid propagandists from FOX News, BUT THEY MOST CERTAINLY HAVE NOT FOOLED THE ORACLE!

The Republican Party is in disarray. Even it's deluded base is seeing it for the backward thinking, intellectually bankrupt organization it has become. The election of 2006 was the beginning of the Republican Party's journey to irrelevance. 2008 saw that journey gain momentum. 2012 shall see the final gasp under Republican presidential nominee Sarah Palin.



The economic situation we find ourselves in is the one time I don't appreciate good irony.

Republican tax cuts led to big deficits. Republican lack of oversite on financial institutions led to the mortgage meltdown. Republican have chanted for as long as I've been alive about less spending. They had Congress and the White House for six years and spent more.

It's time these people just shut the f#ck up because the irony is that the party of less spending and less regulation has brought our Country to a point where the only way to get the economy and financial industry back on track is more spending and more regulation.

Enough with the tax cut bullshit. A federal government that pays for the services it provides in cash will do more for the economy and our security than giving me a $500 check.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I am both honored and humbled to announce that Chief Nihilist Repsac has sworn me in as the newest official member of American Nihilist.

It is in keeping with this high honor that I would like to relate a story to you about our National Symbol. The Bald Eagle.

I work next to the Mississippi River. From time to time my duties require me to toil outside in the heat and the cold. Of course the boss picks the coldest day of the week to send me outside to do maintenance on some equipment.

While out there I get the honor of seeing five Bald Eagles soaring gracefully through the air. It almost brought a tear to my eye watching this scene and singing along with former Attorney General John Ashcroft. Then I remembered that Nihilist's eyes don't well up at anything that involves John Ashcroft.

Anyway, one of these Eagles is the biggest Eagle I ever saw. It was more like a condor. This bird was a bad mother too. Never flapped it's wings. Just glided overhead watching things.
I know this bad boy is looking at me with contempt. He's gliding around as cool as could be while I'm freezing my ass off even though I'm wearing a hat. Gloves. Long Johns. Coveralls and the Snuggie I borrowed from my better half. He's up there thinking "You jerkoff two legged chump in your long johns and Snuggie. We don't need no stinkin Snuggies."

Then in the blink of an eye this Eagle swoops down about fifty feet away from me. Grabs this baby groundhog by the head and is back in the air before I can say Jesus Christ!

So let this be a warning to the guy at the F.U. Penguin blog. Don't be dissing no Eagles Brother.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Look at this joker. Does he really think he's still fooling anyone but the most deluded right wing fool?
Ever since the 911 Attacks Cheney has been predicting more attacks if We The People don't let him use torture and make a mockery of the Constitution.
He's still at it. But his purpose doesn't have anything to do with saving American asses. He's just in his own twisted way lobbying for the present administration to keep all the warrantless wiretaps and torture systems in place to save his own ass. He figures if the Obama Administration uses the same tactics he did then it will be unable to prosecute him for any transgressions he and his cronies committed.
When it's all said and done, Cheney and Blagojevich can share cell and tell each other tall tales about how they "did nothing wrong."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Now that Tom Daschle is out, Obama has a chance to really show the Republicans who is boss AND give us Dems something to cheer about.
C'mon Mr. President. Howard Dean would be a fantastic director of Health and Human Services.
Okay. I don't know if he would or not. But damn that would piss off Republicans. And that alone makes it worth it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I posted a comment on Shaw's excellent blog about why Republican Governors are asking their Republican members of Congress to support the stimulus package. Of course they are worried about job losses. But an underlying and kind of scary reason is they lack the courage to do what is necessary to shore up their budgets. Sometimes you gotta suck it up and tell the people we need more money to provide the services government needs to provide. We have to raise taxes.

Not just Republican Governors, Dems also, need to accept this. The credit card is maxed out and there is no way enough could be cut back to stop runaway deficits.

We have lots of history here in Illinois. We had 25 some years of Republican Governors. Each election they said they wouldn't raise taxes. After the election they ll said "Whoa! It's worse than we thought. We need more money. We have to raise taxes." They did and after a few days of grumbling, 11 million people didn't even notice their taxes went up because it was only a few bucks a week for most of us.

Blagojevich came along and promised not to raise taxes. Look how screwed up he left the state. If he doesn't make that stupid promise to win an election he would have won in a landslide anyway, all the programs he wanted would have been funded and he would be a hero. But he chose to be a dick and cut state parks and child care programs that everyone loved more than the few bucks their taxes would have gone up.

The Governors that want he stimulus package need to grow the balls to tell their constituents that their states need more money and we can't wait for the Nation as a whole to buck up and pay their bills.

TAO of Radical Perspective posted a great assessment of the national budget situation. We have to pay the bills now. I know it's popular for politicos to rant on about cuts. Tell the guy with a big pothole in front of his driveway you cut the asphalt budget and he has to buy his own if he wants it fixed. He'll forget all about his taxes going up a few bucks a week then. I could give more examples that would arouse more outrage than a pothole. I'm sure everyone can think of them on their own.