Saturday, January 31, 2009
I've been following politics since I was 13 years old. I'm 46 now for anyone that has a need to know. At certain times both political parties think they need to reinvent themselves to stay with the mood of the times. The Dems did it most recently when they laid down for Bush on Iraq. Now the Republicans are doing it with the elevating of Mr. Steele to Party Chairman. I've looked at his profiles. He's no neocon. But he will soon find out that the extreme right still runs the show in the Republican Party. He will be paraded out on FOX and CNN so the world can look at the nice man of color the open minded Republican Party has chosen as it's leader. But he will have no sway in party policy or strategy. They did it to J.C. Watts. They will do it to Steele.
The base of the Republican Party is the greedy rich, bigots and single issue zealots. I'm sure Mr. Steele will be a good soldier and say all the things Republicans say about taxes and less government. And he will be rewarded. But will he make a difference in how the Republican Party works? Will he usher in an era of disagreeing without being disagreeable? Will he repudiate the errors of Bush and his six years of a Republican Congress rubber stamping all his programs? Will he be able to mold his Party into the Party that really does work for a leaner smarter government? Sorry guys. He won't.
Friday, January 30, 2009

This is both a sad and uplifting day. Professor Douglas told me to go away.
I shall miss calling him out for his never ending cut and pastes. I shall miss being called a socialist and watching his favorite disciples fawn over each and every one of the Professors words. Even the words that weren't his because he cut and pasted them.
I had fun exposing your neocon ideals for the ridiculous poppycock they were Don. But more so, I felt a sense of satisfaction and almost a twinge of solidarity with you when you told the world you supported your Union. I knew that took great courage to admit that you were a Union Man. It probably caused outrage and confusion among your disciples to know that you stand with your Brothers and Sisters in our desire for a better workplace.
I was proud when you told me to kiss your ass. General Patton said he thought if he could shame a coward, he could help him regain his self respect as a soldier. I though if I could get a Neocon to tell me to kiss his ass, I must be doing something right.
I of course will respect your wishes and not visit your site Professor. I wish you well. And know that if one day, your Union needs help and support, I will work to see that mine provides assistance.
May God bless you Professor. And may God Bless America.
Thursday, January 29, 2009

After six years the Illinois Senate finally got rid of this phony clown.
Blagojevich, despite his incessant protestations, has never been "the peoples servant." He has never done anything for the good of anybody but himself.
Any "successes" he claims were in reality just headline producing gimmicks he could use for his next campaign.
His first priority of serving the people of Illinois was a joke to this guy. He never took an unpopular stand. He spent money we didn't have on headline producing promises and left the state's budget in shambles.
He had zero loyalty to the Democratic Party. After he won the 2002 Primary, Democrats all over the state rallied around him in a show of solidarity for a man that promised to be a governor of all Illinoisans would be proud.
Instead he showed himself for the petty, headline addicted useless asshole he really was.
Good f#cking riddance Rod. I hope the door gets rammed up your ass the way you stuck it to the people of Illinois.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Just days before Merrill Lynch was closed as an independent company, Thain gave out millions in bonuses.
In 2007, Thain got a 15 million dollar signing bonus. Thain wanted a 10 million dollar bonus in 2008 before being shamed into forgoing it.
Now think about the freaking idiots running these companies. This guy presided over billions in losses before he finally got his sorry ass run off. But he's got millions of dollars in bonus money in his pocket. The poor chump that put in his time toiling on the phones and drumming up enough business to pay this asshole millions while he watch the company go in the tank is the one who's screwed.
Disgrace and failure mean nothing to these people. Remember Carly Fiorina of Hewlett Packard. Her of the great teeth? Hewlett Packard paid her almost as much to go away as it did to hire her pathetic self. She ended up one of John McCain's top advisers until she rose to the level of her incompetence and McCain had to run her off.
I like President Obama. I have no problem helping our great companies survive these times. But the first order of business is ridding these businesses of people like Thain and Fiorina before bailing them out. History repeats itself. And don't let assholes like Thain and Fiorina fool you. They are sleeping damn good.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
These guys are outraged because President Obama wants to close Gitmo. They give all their right wing propaganda about how it keeps America safe and other crap about enhanced interrogation. "These people want to kill us." We know. It comes down to this. They just want the inmates at Gitmo to suffer as much as possible.
Look man. We all agree that for the most part the Gitmo inmates are scumbags. Some, maybe most of them have been there for years. Any useful information they had we would have gotten already if it was possible. Now you just want to torture these thugs. So just admit it. Then you will have a small amount of integrity when you make your pro torture arguments next time.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Since I was born, the political discourse in our Country has been steadily dumbed down.
If a candidate voted against a useless new battleship his opponent said he voted against our Troops. Any yes vote on a budget makes one a big spender. A vote against assault weapons is a vote against freedom loving gun owners. List goes on and on.
Barack Obama gave answers that showed his grasp and command of issues. He showed caution and a willingness to learn all sides before reaching a decision.
Most of the right wingers are making silly and negative predictions about the Obama Presidency. Much like Bush, these people don't care about facts and gathering information. They're just mad because their guy lost.
91% of Americans rallied around President Bush after the 911 attack. We're in a hell of a mess now also. I hope those that hate decide to rally around our new President when he is inaugurated today. You will have four years to get pissed off at him about something. Surely you can stop being mad for six months.
Sunday, January 18, 2009

I just thought this was hilariously ironic. My good friend Professor Douglas did a post at his American Power Blog ripping a picture of President Elect Obama on an American Flag. He decried the desecration of our Nation's sacred symbol.
So Professor. Is Senator, and former P.O.W. and all around great American John McCain a desecrater? Does he hate America now Professor?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Congratulations Madam Secretary
Friday, January 16, 2009

Republicans have good reason to cry right now. Their president won't be able to put the screws to the working families of America after Tuesday. Their Secretary of Anti Labor, Elaine Chow, the smiling, working family hating Asian Import won't be able to continue strapping it on and putting it to the Labor Movement.
But these Republicans have some reason to be happy still. The guy on the left is Senator Mitch McConnell. A bigger asshole has not walked the floor of the U.S. Senate since Joe McCarthy.
This bastard has spent his life doing all he could to break Unions and make government work for the rich and powerful only. He bent over for Bush while he was rolling up ridiculous deficits. His state gets more per capita in federal funds than it pays. But now this hypocritical jack off says he's concerned about the cost of everything. This dick is only worried about getting more tax breaks for his rich horse rancher friends so he can take his grandkids on a free pony ride.
This clown was in on the sodomization of the working families of America with Bush, Cheney and the rest of the right wing cabal. No wonder he's a Republican hero.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
{ I was an upper classman at Yale when first introduced to the incoming freshman, we called them "plebes" George W. Bush. We called him "curious George." Not because he looked like a monkey, but because he was always asking "where's the beer"?
So the night finally came when we had to initiate Curious George into Skull and Bones. My assistants in the rite were fellow upperclassmen, "Pookie" and "Stinky." Pookie was the disciplinarian of the initiates and Stinky was the guide.
George entered the Hall of the Skull and asked "Where's the beer fellas"? Pookie whacked George on his derriere with his "rod of discipline" and sternly told him to be silent while he explained the rite.
Pookie told George he would be led down the hall and face two tests. "Behind one door is the biggest, meanest man eating grizzly bear that ever terrorized Yellowstone National Park. He has sore tooth and you must pull it out."
Stinky then told George "Then you face what is behind door number two." George said"Who are you? Monte Hal?" Pookie whacked George again. Then Stinky said, "Behind this door is Bella Abzug Coulter. The nastiest, most secularly liberal man hating feminazi on Earth. And you must satisfy her three times in one hour."
Pookie then pushed George through the first door. The screaming. The banging. The gnashing of teeth was almost too much to bear. But Pookie, Stinky and I remained steadfast that we were doing the right thing. Then George staggered out of the room. He was bloodied and bruised all over. Then he said, "Okay fellas. Now where's that lesbian with the toothache?"}
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Anti Union businesses like Walmart spend millions to keep it's workers from organizing. They use illegal tactics. They intimidate. They threaten to close stores and move. They can be real pricks. And sadly, there are those that have been beat down so much, Walmart and other anti worker companies have them convinced that all they're worth is the poverty level wage with little to no benefits they are paid. These companies use fear and intimidation to beat down their employees and the Department of Anti Labor under George W. Bush allowed them to get away with it. Department of Anti Labor Secretary Elaine Chow is an asshole who can go shit in her non Union made hat as far as I'm concerned.
Anti Worker organizations and right wing propagandists have done a good job spreading lies about Unions and Union Members. In reality though, there is nothing to fear from workers organizing. A contract is a good thing for labor and management. Job security means conscientious long term employees which means good and productive work for ownership.
Baseball players have contracts. CEO's have contracts. University Professors have contracts.
The key is Labor and Management working together to make the business, the team, or even the University better.
The only things about the Card Check bill I take issue with are for one, I think the secret ballot should remain in effect. This would keep much of the coercion factor from happening. It also calls for a simple majority to recognize the Union. It should be at least two thirds. If you don't have at least that big a majority of people committed to the Union, you don't have shit.
On the whole, the Card Check Bill is good for Working Americans and goods for all America.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
But remember poor deluded fools. You had your chance to actually vote for a real free market and Constitution Lovin American with Ron Paul. A few independents voted for him but the rest of you jumped on the McCain bandwagon just like you got hoodwinked into going for George W.
You're sheep people. Now go through the stages of denial, anger, negotiation and acceptance and you will be happier than you were previously when you bought into Republican panders and lies.
Don't hate me because truth is beautiful.
Friday, January 9, 2009
What the Jesus freaks didn't realize was that they have been played for dupes. The number of abortions isn't going down. But these chumps still believe the Republican Party is on their side. It's not. Reagan went to church maybe a dozen times in his adult life. Cheney bows his head piously whenever the preacher says a blessing. But he doesn't spend any time in church either.
The religious have allowed themselves to be held hostage by the right wing for their blind loyalty. We would have laws on the books right now banning abortion on demand if exceptions for the life and health of the mother were made. But every time it gets that far, some asshole like former senator Rick Santorum amend it to outlaw all abortions. Rick and the rest of the right wingers know the courts wouldn't let that happen because it's an "undue burden." But they keep their issue that keeps the religious in the fold and cover their asses when asked why all these abortions are still being performed.
Things are starting to come around. Barack Obama made inroads in the religious voting bloc. The rest of them need to open their eyes to the true nature of the right wing that dominates the Republican Party. Greed and not love and devotion to our Country and moral and just rule motivates the people in charge of the Republican Party.
The Republican Party has not and never will look out for you. But there are still right wing bloggers, a good example is one of them on our link list, that have been duped into championing right wing propaganda in spite of the harm right wing policy has done to him.
If this post describes you please don't feel bad. The neocon right has fooled many. One of them a professor.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
One of my fellow lefties at Newshoggers posted some nonsense about Israel and the Gaza Conflict. He was trying to make a case that Israel was occupying Gaza and was overreaching or something.
Lefties: the people of Hamas are not your friends. They are lying, sniveling pricks that have no interest in peaceful coexistence with anyone. Let alone Israel. Once the Left and the world accepts these jokers for the no good terrorist, innocent women and children killing pricks they are, we will all be better off and ready to fight a real war on terror. Not the make Halliburton and Blackwater lots of money war Bush has waged.
Israel gave Gaza to Palestine. The citizens of Gaza voted in Hamas as it's leader. Hamas waged a propaganda war to win the hearts of people that desperately want peace and a chance to raise their children to adulthood. So while Hamas was building schools and hospitals for the women and children they "cared about" the assholes were building and firing rockets from the neighborhoods filled with these same women and children. Knowing full well that Israel would have no choice but to send rockets back into these neighborhoods filled with women and children who would most likely be killed. Hamas doesn't care. They don't care about the women and children they kill in Israel. They don't care about the Palestinian women and children that are killed by Israeli bombs sent in defense.
This bullshit has been going on since Israel became a nation once again. Arafat walked away from a deal that would have led to Palestinian statehood. There is no one leader of the Palestinian people. The faction leaders are motivated by hate and not peace and security for all.
It's time for them to be sent on a one way trip to hell.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
What's even kookier is the Jesus Freaks that take this kooky shit seriously and even think it's a good thing. I guess these nutjobs think it was OK for Jesus to walk among sinners but God forbid they share a country with one.
And where is that damn Antichrist already. We've been hearing this asshole is already among us since app. 300AD. I even had my religion teacher accuse me of being the Antichrist in sixth grade at Holy Family in North Chicago. Why the religion teacher was also teaching sex ed is still a mystery to me. But if I turn out to be the Antichrist I promise to Antichrist from the center.
Things will be fine people.